By Jennifer McDougall
“Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.” – Sigmund Freud
Give a person freedom and see what they do with it. When you give them space and freedom, what they choose to do with it will reveal their habits, beliefs, and priorities. This, of course, comes with great responsibility, especially for someone in addiction recovery.
Most people who have struggled with substance abuse-related issues know how important it is to have someone help them be accountable for their actions so that they can stay on the right path. Accountability helps us reach our goals and be the successful individual we hope and work hard to be. Knowing that you have to show up for that meeting or appointment in the morning will help you be less tempted to get in trouble the night before. You will most likely be more motivated to have a relaxing, drug, and alcohol-free evening so you can wake up and feel healthy and energized in the morning.
For many people in recovery, the fear of going back to old ways and unhealthy habits keep them pushing forward to grow and develop new and improved lifestyle choices they can feel happy about. Having a carefully laid out course of action to stay accountable is the best way to be clear and focused on your sobriety. Here are seven helpful tips.
- Let your friends and family know about your sobriety.
- Find an accountability partner to check in with as often as you need.
- Keep a physical and mental list of what you have to lose.
- Stay closely connected to those who support your sobriety.
- Be consistent in your routine and responsibilities.
- Set weekly and daily goals for yourself and cross them off as you go.
- Schedule social, fitness, and business appointments for the morning to keep you from being tempted to stray off course in the evening hours.
How to Contact Passages Addiction Treatment Centers:
Call Passages Addiction Treatment Centers today if you or a loved one is battling an addiction to drugs and alcohol. Our admissions department is available 24/7 and can be reached directly by calling our toll-free number at (888) 397-0112. We look forward to speaking with you soon.
Passages, Where Addiction Ends and Life Begins™