Fighting Addiction: Finding the Source of My Pain

Finding the Source of My Pain

By Dr. Kerri Heath

“The cure for pain is in the pain.” -Rumi

If you are searching for a rehab center, you are probably experiencing a lot of pain.  The substances may no longer be working to numb the pain.  You know that it is time to heal this pain or face certain death.  You are not alone.  Many clients who come to Passages have reached the end of their rope and are faced with the realization that it is time to face the truth and find a new path before it’s too late. It is not uncommon to hear people say “the only other option was death, so I had to get help.”

Humans are experiencing a lot of suffering every day and night.  They are covering the pain up and pretending to be free from pain.  However, unless they can find the cause of the pain it is impossible to heal it.  The pain and suffering will cause disease and physical deterioration if it is ignored over long periods of time. Once the physical pain becomes unbearable, people tend to seek out help for their suffering.  Our suffering should be seen as an alert.  Pain is trying to tell you something, it is not a prediction of doomsday.  If we can pay attention to our suffering and learn from it, then we can be free from it.  Rumi stated that the “cure for pain is in the pain.”

This is why substance abuse is only setting us back on our journey.  If we are not facing the pain and identifying its source, we cannot eradicate it.  The pain will only be prolonged if addictions are used to numb it rather than learning the lesson that it is trying to teach.

Wherever there is a pain of any kind (irritation, aggravation, loss, anger, grieving, jealousy, resentment, indigestion, physical pain, etc.) we will find attaching to something that needs to be released.  Attachment is what leads to suffering.  When you can discover this truth for yourself, and pay attention to the pain, you will be able to understand your pain in new ways and release the thing you are holding on to. On the other side of pain and suffering is a source of freedom.

Passages Addiction Treatment Centers would like to help you overcome the addiction, identify the true source of your pain, and design a new life that is in full alignment with what you truly want.  You are only a few steps away from creating a life that is free from pain and suffering… just make the call.  There is a team waiting for you to make the passage towards a new life of freedom and truth.

How to Contact Passages Addiction Treatment Centers:

Call Passages Addiction Treatment Centers today if you or a loved one is battling an addiction to drugs and alcohol. Our admissions department is available 24/7 and can be reached directly by calling our toll-free number at (888) 397-0112. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Passages, Where Addiction Ends and Life Begins™

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