Numerous studies indicate an alarming trend of drug abuse increasing amongst younger and younger individuals. Some social issues amongst teenagers have been decreasing and improving. However, drug and alcohol abuse remains prevalent…
drug abuse
Cannabis (more commonly known as marijuana, weed, or pot) is a viral and prevalent drug in the United States. It is even legal for medicinal purposes in some states; however, marijuana is…
Abuse of prescription painkillers in the United States increased 400 percent between 1998 and 2008, according to a study conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) of the…
If you’ve never attended a private inpatient drug rehab program before, you may worry about what the experience will be like. Due to inaccurate media portrayals, urban legends, and incorrect assumptions, some…
What Does an LSD High Feel Like? LSD creates an intense high, resulting in a multi-sensory hallucinatory experience lasting from eight to twelve hours. As the LSD takes effect, about 20 minutes…
In medicine, Ketamine is an anesthetic used to sedate patients for short operations. On the street, Ketamine—also known as “Special K” or just “K”—is a dissociative drug that produces effects ranging from…
What Does a Heroin High Feel Like? Known as “slamming,” intravenous heroin injection results in these feelings with a delay of only 10 seconds or less from the time of injection to…
Is Heroin Physically Addictive? Heroin is one of the most physically addictive drugs in existence. In fact, many people become hooked on heroin after only a single use. Almost a quarter of…
One of the backbones of successful recovery is the therapeutic counseling that takes place in private drug rehab facilities. While drug addiction certainly has a strong physical component, many drug dependent individuals…
Alcohol abuse has become an epidemic in the United States, with over 15 million Americans suffering from alcohol dependency. In most cases, alcoholism stems from emotional root causes and physical dependence, leading…
Most experts will agree that counseling is a vital component of successful inpatient drug rehab. However, not all inpatient drug counseling programs are created equal. Formats can vary from highly individualized counseling…
Countless Americans have struggled with prescription drug abuse and subsequent addiction. For some, prescription drug addiction begins with a legitimate prescription that becomes physically addictive due to the length and amount of…
Marijuana addiction remains one of the most common—and most insidious—recreational drug dependencies. Across the nation, nearly 12 million individuals suffer from marijuana addiction, including over 33 percent of teenagers in the 13…