Monthly Archives

April 2010

  • Myths About Private Inpatient Drug Rehab

    If you’ve never attended a private inpatient drug rehab program before, you may worry about what the experience will be like. Due to inaccurate media portrayals, urban legends, and incorrect assumptions, some…

  • How Psychedelic Mushroom Addiction Works

    Are Psychedelic Mushrooms Physically Addictive? Although psychedelic mushrooms have not been found to be physically addictive, users can become psychologically dependent on psychedelic mushrooms. The mind-altering experiences that psychedelic mushrooms create can…

  • Nicotine Addiction Guide

    Is Nicotine Physically Addictive? Nicotine is a powerful drug resulting in physical addiction on par with that of cocaine. As with any chemical dependency, there can be both physical and psychological addictions…

  • How Nicotine Addiction Works

    Is Nicotine Physically Addictive? Nicotine is a powerful drug resulting in physical addiction on par with that of cocaine. As with any chemical dependency, there can be both physical and psychological addictions…

  • What You Need to Know About LSD

    What Is LSD? LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) is a semi-synthetic hallucinogen with psychedelic properties, originally derived from the ergot fungus in 1938. Commonly known as “acid,” LSD causes users to experience altered…

  • How LSD Addiction Works

    Is LSD Physically Addictive? LSD is not physically addictive—as such, LSD usage does not result in withdrawal symptoms. With repeated use it is possible for you to develop a psychological dependence to…

  • Physical Effects of Ketamine Abuse

    What Does a Ketamine High Feel Like? At lower doses, ketamine acts a weak stimulant. When dosage increases, ketamine hits users as an intense psychedelic. As a dissociative drug, ketamine causes users…

  • What is Ketamine

    In medicine, Ketamine is an anesthetic used to sedate patients for short operations. On the street, Ketamine—also known as “Special K” or just “K”—is a dissociative drug that produces effects ranging from…

  • How Ketamine Addiction Works

    Is Ketamine Physically Addictive? Ketamine does not meet the criteria for physically addictive drugs. In fact, Ketamine’s widespread use in medicine as a mild anesthetic is due in large part to its…

  • How Does Heroin Addiction Work?

    Is Heroin Physically Addictive? Heroin is one of the most physically addictive drugs in existence. In fact, many people become hooked on heroin after only a single use. Almost a quarter of…