One of the most important aspects of alcohol recovery is individualized therapy offered by inpatient alcohol counseling programs. In therapy, you can gain perspective to promote healthy self views, find the courage…
drug addiction
Most experts will agree that counseling is a vital component of successful inpatient drug rehab. However, not all inpatient drug counseling programs are created equal. Formats can vary from highly individualized counseling…
Outpatient addiction rehab programs can make sense for individuals who do not need to attend inpatient treatment. By nature, outpatient rehab offers lower time commitment and financial investment for those undergoing alcohol…
Marijuana addiction remains one of the most common—and most insidious—recreational drug dependencies. Across the nation, nearly 12 million individuals suffer from marijuana addiction, including over 33 percent of teenagers in the 13…
As a strong dissociative drug, ketamine (also known as “Special K”) can cause severe mental impairment in chemically dependent individuals. Affecting clarity of cognition, memory formation and even severe delusions, ketamine clouds…
The body’s nervous system becomes intensely compromised during crystal meth addiction. Shortly after crystal meth is introduced into the system, natural brain chemistry becomes altered, upsetting the user’s balance of important neurotransmitters.…
As human beings, we are more than simply a conglomeration of cells, electrical impulses, and organs. Unfortunately, many drug and alcohol treatment programs emphasize the importance of psychological dependency, overemphasizing the role…