Five Mistakes to Avoid After Rehab

When drug or alcohol dependency has been effectively treated through an inpatient addiction recovery facility, life begins to take on a new sense of hope and promise. However, the transition between an inpatient rehab stay and your new life can sometimes be a bumpy one, causing many dependent individuals to relapse before they even get started. However, with the proper after care guidance and some preparation and awareness, you can ensure that your sobriety remains relapse-free.

Five Mistakes to Avoid After Rehab

Here are a few common mistakes that many people make after graduating from inpatient drug and alcohol rehab programs, and a few common-sense solutions to keep you relapse-free in your recovery.

  1. “Winging It”
    After Care is an essential ingredient in alcoholism and addiction treatment, and one that cannot be foregone without consequences. Old habits, environmental aspects, and former associates can quickly pull you back into an unhealthy mindset, if you do not plan strategies for coping. Through the assistance of a professional After Care specialist, you can make strategic contingency plans to ensure that your new path can be journeyed effortlessly. At luxury inpatient rehab centers, you can also retain a sober coach, to shadow you during your transition and help guide you through any obstacles you face.
  2. Returning to the Same Environment
    The environment we live in makes a difference in our lives. Returning home from inpatient rehab to a chaotic, unclean, or drug- or alcohol-centered living situation can derail the genuine healing you’ve worked for. Make arrangements before leaving rehab to remove any “triggers” for use and to create a calm and nurturing space.
  3. Keeping the Same Friends and Schedule
    Your life during addiction and alcoholism cannot be the life you return to if you desire to avoid relapse. Spending time with friends who still drink and use drugs will only take away from your new, sober life. During individualized therapy and after care consultations, assess the individuals in your life and the places you frequent. Consider your work pressures, priorities and leisure activities, and ask yourself how to position your life goals in a healthy, balanced way.
  4. Burning Out
    Inpatient rehab can be an energizing and motivating experience. However, you still need to schedule leisure time, time for meditation, and time for simple indulgence and relaxation. Take care of yourself by eating right, exercising and nurturing your spirit. Burnout is a recipe for relapse, but if you remember to recharge your spirit, mind and body, relapse should no longer pose a threat.
  5. Judging Yourself Harshly
    Sometimes, as we recover from drug or alcohol addiction, we find that our self esteem was a component that fueled our dependency. As a result, kindness to yourself is imperative as you begin relapse-free sober living. Avoid self-critical thoughts, unrealistic expectations, or feelings of failure. Instead, surround yourself with positivity, encouraging friends and family, and give yourself the leeway to achieve your goals with your self-esteem intact.

Call Passages Addiction Treatment Centers today if you or a loved one is battling an addiction to drugs and/or alcohol. Our admissions department is available 24/7 and can be reached directly by calling our toll-free number at (888) 397-0112. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

Passages, Where Addiction Ends and Life Begins™

Photo by: Jennifer McDougall

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