Malibu, Calif. (May 17, 2012) Passages Malibu and Passages Ventura, the world’s leading drug and alcohol rehab centers, are proud to support the first annual National Prevention Week, held from Monday, May 21, 2012, through…
Amphetamine Addiction
Many of the articles we read and the studies we observe discuss drug and alcohol abuse in the United States. However, drug and alcohol abuse is a worldwide problem and has been…
Many people often hear the term “denial” or the phrase “being in denial” when discussing an individual with a substance abuse issue. Unfortunately, many individuals who have been abusing drugs or alcohol…
What Does an Amphetamine High Feel Like? Taking amphetamines can be an intense experience lasting from a few hours to a few days. The experience begins about 10 to 15 minutes after…
What Are Amphetamines? Amphetamines comprise a powerful class of synthetic stimulants that first were created in 1887. Amphetamines’ stimulant properties make them medically useful for a narrow spectrum of disorders. In fact,…
Are Amphetamines Physically Addictive? Amphetamines are a class of extremely addictive drugs, and occasional use can result in long-term physical addiction. Users rapidly develop tolerance, physical and psychological dependence to amphetamines. What…
When amphetamine withdrawal sets in, the brain and body go through a series of unpleasurable reactions. Because amphetamines share a similar structure to the brain’s pleasurable and positive natural hormones—known as neurotransmitters—amphetamine…